Sounds appetizing, doesn't it? The real name is chicken and stuffing casserole, but Mr. Picky Pants started calling it "chicken slop" years ago and it stuck. Even though this is actually really easy to make, I don't make it that often. When I do, it's a real treat for Mr. Picky Pants since it's his FAVORITE meal. Everything else I make is ranked compared to chicken slop.
The Recipe:
Boneless Chicken Breast (how much is up to you)
Butter or Margarine
1 can Cream of Mushroom soup
1 can Cream of Chicken soup
2/3 cup of milk
Stuffing (any kind you like)
Cut up the chicken into bite size pieces. You can really use as much or as little chicken as you'd like and this is a great way to stretch chicken to feed a bunch of people. I can make 1 chicken breast feed both Mr. Picky Pants and I using this recipe. The original recipe calls for whole chicken breasts, but the pieces are much better.
Brown the chicken in butter and sprinkle with seasoning salt or just salt and pepper.
I know this looks disgusting, but this is the slop part of the recipe. Combine both cans of soup and the milk in a bowl. The original recipe calls for only 1 can of soup (either mushroom or chicken) and only 1/3 cup of milk, but it always seems to come out too dry so I double the slop portion.
Add the chicken to a baking dish (whatever size you prefer) making sure to include all the buttery goodness in the bottom of the pan.
Add the slop mixture on top.
Make up any kind of stuffing you like. I use Stove-Top, but my grandmother always made her own homemade. It's really up to your tastes and preferences. Just make sure it's totally prepared before adding it to the top of the casserole.
Bake in a 350 degree oven for 20-30 minutes or until it's browned on top and bubbly. Everything is cooked so you're just heating the slop mixture and crisping up the stuffing.
This is a sad picture. The casserole really isn't much to look at, but it's quite yummy.
The Verdict
As mentioned before, this is Mr. Picky Pants' favorite meal. Of course it is "Mr. Picky Pants Approved". The awesome thing about this dish is that you can make a lot of it in a relatively short period of time and it stores well in the fridge. My mom used to make this for pot-lucks since it's so easy and versatile.
You can add vegetables to this or mushrooms or other seasonings. Mr. Picky Pants likes it pretty bland, but I think it would be fun to play around with different ideas. It's a very basic dish that pleases the palettes of even the most picky eaters. Give it a try tonight!